In my child
care program, I encourage parents to introduce potty training at home when
their toddler is around the age of two. To get started, before your toddler’s 2nd
birthday, the parents could purchase a port-a-potty to explore. Find one that
has an attachment from the potty seat onto a toilet (like pictured).
What do I mean
by exploring?
Let your toddler sit on the potty with or without clothes on. Sometimes they like to pretend they are potty training their doll or stuffed animal by placing it on the seat as well. The port-a-potty seat can be in the play area at first. However, once he is using it for potty, it’s a good idea to move it into the “potty area” somewhere near the toilet in a nearby bathroom. At first, I suggest to not place any pressure or start any schedule as to when your toddler will use it. The idea of the initial introduction is for your toddler to get use to the seat being there and help him understand what it’s there for.
Let your toddler sit on the potty with or without clothes on. Sometimes they like to pretend they are potty training their doll or stuffed animal by placing it on the seat as well. The port-a-potty seat can be in the play area at first. However, once he is using it for potty, it’s a good idea to move it into the “potty area” somewhere near the toilet in a nearby bathroom. At first, I suggest to not place any pressure or start any schedule as to when your toddler will use it. The idea of the initial introduction is for your toddler to get use to the seat being there and help him understand what it’s there for.
during this introduction period, parents can pay attention for signs of
readiness. Is your toddler ready for potty training physically and mentally? Your
toddler might show physical signs of readiness (ex. dry diapers for long
periods of time). However, he might not mentally be ready as he might be
fearful or show no interest in the potty. Are you the parent(s) ready? The
parent(s) need to be ready as well, because it is a commitment to be consistent
with a routine and be ready for accidents. So, everyone involved needs to be
ready for this change. This involvement includes your toddler, the parents, and
even grandparents if he is under their care part-time. You will need to
communicate with your child care provider if he is going to child care.
Part 2 of Potty Training ~ includes helpful hints for
parents and your child care provider in efforts to help decide if your toddler
is ready and how to prepare for when he will be potty training while in child
care. I find it truly helpful in my own child care program.
It is my hope
that you find this helpful as well,
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