Friday, July 25, 2014

Got Me Time?

Parent's Well-Being series 5 of 8

What are you doing to find “me time?” When you get stressed out, how do you find ways to help ease your days? Or do you struggle finding ways to relax before going to bed at the end of the day?

I love to meditate. If you can find time in your busy day to try it out, it might be worth it. I find meditating helps me to find sleep which is a must need in order to function through the day. I also find meditating in the morning helps me stay focused on my daily goals and my purpose in life. When I meditate, I could feel the tension melt from my muscles and all my worries vanish. I think we all know that relaxation is good for us.

When we get busy in our day to day routines, it’s easy to forget “self”. Overtime, if we forget “self”, we can become depleted, overwhelmed, unhappy, tired, and eventually loose site of our purpose.

If you search the Internet, there is countless meditation music or audios to choose from. Here is a meditation YouTube video/audio my good friend shared with me on “Abundance Meditation” by Bob Proctor

I hope you find this helpful, as you find a way to focus on “me time”.



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