I love finding new ideas for toddler engaging activities. Read below to get details on my new activities.
do I mean by “fine motor?” Fine motor skills are tasks that utilize the small
muscles of the body like those in the fingers. Toddlers at around a year of age
are usually able to perform fine motor skills like holding a cup, grasping a
spoon, picking up chunks of food and putting small objects into a larger
container. Usually at this age, there is not that much involvement of the
your child develops closer to the age of two years, his fine motor skills will
increase. These skills include tasks like
drawing with a crayon, using a fork or spoon with more precision and stacking small objects like blocks.
drawing with a crayon, using a fork or spoon with more precision and stacking small objects like blocks.
to three and four years of age, children begin to master fine motor skills like
zipping, snapping, buttoning clothing. In addition, drawing and writing skills
show marked improvements.
are some new fine motor activities I introduced to my child care program:
“Pokie Pipe Cleaners”
a regular household colander that has plenty of holes to poke through
color pipe cleaners cut to about 3 or 4 inches each will do. 6 to 8 pieces for
each child was plenty.
Demonstrate with your toddler what he can do with
the pipe cleaners by poking them through the different holes. Once he gets the
idea let him use his imagination with it.
“Tubular Pom Pom Game”
paper towel tube for each child (or toilet paper tube)
tape or painters tape
poms 6 to 8 any color
large plastic bowl
Tape the tube to a wall at the toddler’s chest level.
Place the bowl underneath the tube to catch the pom poms. Drop one pom pom at a
time through the tube and watch it drop into the bowl. It only took me a couple
of time demonstrating before this little one got excited. We even dropped pipe
cleaners through the tube.
“Pom Pom Color Sorter” a friend of mine found this
one on Pinterest and shared it on Facebook. An awesome way to engage toddlers
while they learn their colors.
paper towel tube for each color
of each color or colored tape
tape to fasten on backing
poster board or cardboard
or long container
poms of different colors
tubes each a different color or wrap the tubes with colored tape. Tape the colored
tubes on the poster board spaced next to each other. Tape the poster with tubes
on a wall at the toddler’s chest level. Fill the large container with an
assortment of colored pom poms.
Demonstrate how you match the colors to the
tubes. The picture below was from “Pinterest” and looks like they have
different size tubes and different size pom poms. This can be a little
challenging for toddlers; however, I could see how the different sizes would be
fun for preschool age. If you want to keep it simple for toddlers, just stick
to all the same sizes of tubes and pom poms.
“Sticky Art”
tape or painters tape
that can be pulled off and stuck on over and over again like; crape paper,
small foam shapes, large beads, rubber bands, even plastic straws or whatever
you can find around the house.
You can put this together on a table or on a wall.
Wrap the contact paper (sticky side up) around the cardboard edges and tape to
secure on the back side. Use masking or painters tape to tape the sticky
cardboard onto a table or a wall at the toddler’s level. Make it secure (tight)
so the pulling and sticking won’t loosen the board from the surface.
Demonstrate how you can stick things on the sticky surface and how you can pull
off as well. Let your little one take off with this.
“Window Painting”
or gallon size Ziploc bag
color or combination of paint (I usually use craft paint)
window space
the bag about ¼ full of paint
the opening tight. Tape the edges to a window at the toddler’s level.
Demonstrate how you can draw the paint up with your fingers. Let your little
one take over.
“Feed The
Alphabet Monster”
1 plastic baby wipe container
Bottle caps for each letter any color
1” stickers or any
labels cut in 1” circles
1 Sharpie marker
Bright color construction paper
Glue or double tape
Collect these supplies as used in your house. You can use any
label stickers precut or cut on your own in 1” circles. White is preferable to
see the letters written. Peel the labels and stick one on each bottle cap.
Write one letter (capital or lower case) on each label. Create monster eyes
with two additional stickers and marker. Add the eyes to the flap bottom of
wipie container. Create monster teeth with construction paper and glue or
double tape. Cut paper to size of front container and cut teeth in zigzag
fashion and glue or tape to front of contain like picture.
how you can have fun with this. Shout out the letters as you push them through
the “Monster’s mouth”. This can also turn into a color game as you shout out
the colors while pushing the bottle cap through the mouth.
Source found @ http://www.icanteachmychild.com/feed-the-alphabet-monster/
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