Wednesday, April 30, 2014

CPR and First-Aid Classes? Really? Who has time?

Taking a CPR & First-Aid class could help save a life of a loved one, friend, neighbor, even a co-worker or someone in a public facility during an emergency situation. Furthermore, I strongly recommend taking a class which includes CPR instructions for infants as well.

What is a CPR & First-Aid Class?
CPR stands for cardiopulmonary resuscitation. It is an emergency lifesaving procedure that is done when someone's breathing or heartbeat has stopped. Rescue breathing provides oxygen to the person's lungs.

First-Aid is emergency treatment administered to an injured or sick person before professional medical care is available.

Why should I take the time?
The procedures are simple and easy to remember. It’s well worth the time to learn knowing that you might be in an emergency situation. It’s nothing to feel scared or fearful about. Emergencies happen and wouldn’t you want to know that someone nearby knows what to do if you were injured or suddenly in need of CPR?

Here are some scenarios to think about:
1) What if you were shopping with a friend and her baby
was choking on a piece of food lodged in his throat. The baby’s Mom panics not knowing what to do. If you knew CPR, you would know exactly what to do in order to save her baby’s life.

2) What if you were watching a soccer game cheering on your daughter’s team. One of the teammates collapsed on the field and everyone was panicking. With your CPR & First Aid knowledge, you would be able to act quickly until help arrives.

3) What if you were hanging out at your sister’s house. Kids are playing in the pool while the adults are putting together a BBQ gathering. Someone screams out, “Help! Joey is drowning!” Wouldn’t you want to know how to assist until professional help arrives?

Online classes verses hands-on classes:
I recently took a class through American Heart Association and spent part of my Saturday refreshing my knowledge on CPR and First Aid. This is required for me as I am a child care provider. I take a class every two years. There are classes offered online and hands-on everywhere. My personal preference is the hands-on approach, because the information given sticks and by physically performing CPR on a manikin several times over feels more real. I feel more confident in myself knowing I can do this.

Check out classes in your area by searching online or clicking on this link American Heart Association.

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