noise machines” have become popular among young parents with little ones. If
you are a new parent, you are more than likely aware of this. If you are a
grandparent or child care provider, this might be new to you. Through my child
care program, parents are educating me on a new method of helping their little
ones lullaby to sleep.
This new method not only helps their little ones fall
asleep, but to fall back to sleep when they wake up in the middle of nap or at
night. Some white noise sounds used for little ones, supposedly imitate the
familiar sounds heard while in their mother’s womb.
exactly is white noise? How does it help with sleep? White noise is used as a general
description for any type of constant, unchanging background noise. Apparently white
noise blends the external sounds into the overall background noise, so your
little one wouldn’t pay attention to the disruptive noise. The “white noise
machines” come in many forms and varieties and are sold online, at department
stores, and baby supply stores. White noise sounds can be downloaded online as
are parents drawn to a “white noise machine”? I have to admit that the idea of
creating more noise in a little one’s bedroom seemed odd to me. Shouldn’t they
have a quiet space to sleep? However, it does help tune out or mask unwanted
outside noise that could disrupt a little one’s nap or night-time sleep. Some
of these unwanted disruptive noises could be; dog barking, a lawnmower running
in the neighborhood, traffic, another baby crying, or other noises in the home.
Parents like to use the familiar sounds babies heard while in their mother’s womb.
These familiar sounds could be like a sound of whirling wind, rainfall, ocean
waves, or a heartbeat.
I have been using instead of spending money on a “white noise machine” is my
little iPod. I downloaded ocean sounds from iTunes into my iPod for a little
over one dollar. I connect my iPod to a sound system and setup the playlist for
ocean sounds. During naptime, it plays over and over until I turn it off. I
notice the little ones go down for nap quicker and sleep longer. What a
do have a thought, being that this is new to me. How does a child wean from depending
on a “white noise machine” for sleep? Or is this a method that sticks with them
for most of their lives?
Comments are welcome.Do my readers use a “white noise
machine” for a little one’s sleep or even for adults in the household? You are
welcome to share what has worked, didn’t work, or any comment on the topic of
are some related articles on this topic:
- Bedtime Routine Struggles for Your Infant and/or Toddler?
- The Magic of Choices vrs. Struggling with Power Play?
- Routines for Toddlers and Infants? Are they important?
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