Sunday, June 8, 2014

How to Compromise and Communicate with Your Child’s Child Care Provider

Parent's Well-Being series 1 of 8
Compromising and having an ongoing communication with your child care provider should be just as important as all the other priorities that come with caring for your precious little ones.

Searching for a trustworthy adult that is a loving, responsible, patient, and compassionate individual to care for your infant, toddler, preschooler, or elementary age child(ren) is a challenging undertaking for parents. Once the parents have found the perfect fit, they can relax knowing that their child will be in good hands.

Many child care providers have children in their care that have been with them for a long period of time like a year or more. A majority of these children are in child care for 3, 4, or 5 days a week. Overtime, there is a special bond between the provider and the children in their care. Along with that developing relationship, the provider occasionally runs into situations that can generate a bit of a conflict. This is why compromising and ongoing communication with your child care provider is vital.

What does compromising and ongoing communication look like? What do I mean by this? When it comes to communicating with your child care provider, try to be more flexible and have a willingness to work together in figuring out what works with caring for your child. If parents and their child care provider work together as a team in support for the child in care, everyone involved could be at ease while moving forward or working through any issue that arises.

With open communication, the awkwardness of bringing up sensitive issues naturally become easier. When you compromise with each other by giving and taking here and there, issues can be resolved and the valued relationship is strengthened.

I wish you all the best when compromising and communicating with your valued child care provider.

This discussion is open as I would love to read about your thoughts on this topic.


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