Tuesday, December 1, 2015

You Don’t Have to be Perfect to be a Perfect Parent

I’ve been reading a lot of articles, blog comments and Facebook messages from parents that seem to be struggling when caring for little ones. It seems there is more pressure placed on parents these days. Parents get messages from various sources like; go green . . . eat organic . . . is your house childproofed enough . . . protect from germs . . . no TV or screen time . . . eat healthy . . . no fast foods . . . sign them up for sports . . . stranger danger . . . is your child getting bullied . . . save money for college . . . place them in the best schools. The list is endless. No wonder parents are stressed. They can easily be overwhelmed with trying to be perfect.

Listen, you don’t have to be perfect to be a perfect parent. Don’t get so stressed over the fear of not doing enough for your child. Take a breath, relax and embrace time spent with your child.

If there was a recipe to follow that will assure your child will grow up as a beautiful confident individual, it would look something like this:

An equal amount for all below . . .
Good advice
Security with boundaries
Acceptance and respect
Opportunities to create and express
Humor mixed with laughter
Lots of hugs
Setting a good example by words and actions
Community for a sense of belonging

Oh, hold on . . . don’t be overwhelmed. I’m sure that naturally you are already attracting this in your child’s life.

By the time your child becomes an adult, it does not matter what your house looked like, how much money you had, or how much stuff they got. They will look back and value the love and patience it took to raise them. Sometimes this takes several years into adulthood before they even admit it to us parents. Sigh . . . So do trust that doing your best is enough. Go by your Motherly or Fatherly instincts when making choices for your child’s individual needs. No one knows your child best as well as you.

I am a child care blogger and my blog’s sole purpose is to help ease parent’s daily routine when caring for little ones while teaching them the love of learning. I am a parent of two young adults and a child care provider for little ones with 10+ years of experience. I know and truly understand the struggles of raising kids. I realize there is a strong craving and desire from parents and caregivers that need encouragement in raising little ones at home. I’m here as your advocate to help minimize those frustrations.

I know I’m not perfect either. Even with the experience I have with caring for little ones. I have those days that nothing seems to go right. I’ve learned to be flexible in finding what works best for each child as each individual needs are different.



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